Just Do It

Seth Godin has been making the same plea in the last several books. “We Need You To Lead Us” was the subtitle of Tribes. Using reverse-psychology, Linchpin asked “Are You Indispensable?” to prod us into action. “I sell fireworks,” he says at the beginning of Small Is The New Big in talking about how his writing encourages those with great ideas to get them done.

In Poke The Box, Seth removes the whatever directional intent there may have been in those prior works and imploring us to do something, anything. There are no barriers left.

Inger isn’t photographing the Portland’s live music scene because someone told her to. Modern Skirts’ Gramahawk album was made up of music they wanted to make.The King’s Sixth Finger didn’t make sense to publishers, but it didn’t stop Jolby. Amanda Hocking and her 900,000 copies sold didn’t wait to get picked.

If you are already doing, you don’t need Poke The Box.

If you still need a push, here is it.

One thought on “Just Do It

  1. Quick, easy read (poke). Made me want to see my boss and say, “I’m going to do this because it is the right thing to do.”

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