Housekeeping Monday

I am finally getting out from underneath the pile that accumulated during my SXSWi trip.

This year, I found I learned the most by attending panels that had little to do with what I knew or what normally interested me. The publishing panels repeated perspectives that were widely available if you had been following along over the last several months, while attending a talk on how the internet is changing concert industry or how companies that are developing open source software can develop business models alongside free helped me think bigger.

This week, I am going to share some of my learnings from the conference.

One other housekeeping note: The Idea Arena podcasts started as a bit of an experiment on the site. We have done five now and I like how they have been turning out. Each is around twenty minutes which gives the author enough time to talk in the depth about the book.

I got some feedback last week that I need to watch my sound levels. If you have any other feedback or authors you would like to hear on the Idea Arena podcast, let me know.

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