The Way it Use to Be

“Okay. Sixty-three-thousand, one hundred and forty minus one sixty-three, plus one twenty-nine zero thirteen fifty-six forty-eight ninety-seven, minus zero zero five, ninety-nine, plus zero zero zero zero zero, plus four seven zero one six, one seventy-seven one forty-three zero zero zero November Alpha, plus zero zero one ninety-seven forty-seven zero twenty-five fifty-one four sixty-eight eighteen twelve twelve eighty-three two fifty-seven zero twenty-three.”

He took a breath, then continued. “Up two sixty-three, left seventeen, plus eleven ninety-five, minus one sixty-five zero zero one twenty-six eighty-three three fifty-six zero eight zero fifty forty-seven zero five, north stars, zero sixty-eight zero ninety-seven three fifty-six, no ullage”

-The first course correction radioed from Ken Mattingly to Frank Borman during the Apollo 8 mission. Borman was writing the instructions down and then repeated them back to Mattingly to confirm accuracy. Jim Lovell then entered the numbers into the on-board computer to program the rockets that needed to be fired.

[from Genesis: The Story of Apollo 8 by Robert Zimmerman (Four Walls Eight Windows, 1998)]

One thought on “The Way it Use to Be

  1. Isn’t “Robert Zimmerman” Bob Dylan’s real name? I didn’t realize he was writing books on the history of the Apollo program.

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