Apprentice on Cover of TV Guide

I have been trying to pull business lessons out of The Apprentice. The cover of next week’s TV guide shows that it is just meant to be entertainment and that once again – sex sells…

2 thoughts on “Apprentice on Cover of TV Guide

  1. The thing that pisses me off about the cover is that they have the two ladies on the cover with skirts on and thier shirts open so that you can see thier bras. The part two is, they have the two chicks who fought the most (Omarosa & Ereka). The article points out they still don’t get along either. Have you noticed that every time Trump comments on Protege or any of thier individual teammates, he inserts the ‘very attractive..’ Ya never hear that stern faced assistant of his (the female) say that the men are handsome. I hate DT’s overly flirtatious demeanor with them… But I do like the show. A more toned down/serious version of this show would be great.

  2. Yeah, I’ve been getting that impression too. Sad really. I was really hoping…

    Still, it’s the best reality show out there. With the exception, maybe, of Trading Space 😉

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