Gray Matters – The Workplace Survival Guide

Gray Matters has been in my Reading spot for about a month. I originally heard about the book through Fast Company’s Book Club. It was chosen as December’s selection.

The book uses a clever combination of text, comics, and toolkit to talk about what is important in navigating the workplace. Our hero is Gray Blanderson, a product designer at Global Gadget. His world changes when his division is spun off and given six months become profitable. The fictional story follows Gray and his team through their trials and tribulations.

I like the book. It reminds me of the wide variety of issues that face businesses. The book addresses the topics from a general standpoint. Each section has ends with “food for thought”. There is a topic summary, additional readings, an inspirational quote, and more questions to think about.

I think Gary Matters is a nice reminder to those who have been in business and a nice prep manual for those just starting.

Additional stuff:
The Official Gray Matters Website
FC Now – Author Bob Rosner hosts the FC blog